iSensor Lab Releases “CV19 SelfDefense” Mobile App

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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the lives of people across the country. To encourage healthy and safe practices to help stop the transmission of the coronavirus, FSU iSensor Lab, led by School of Information Associate Professor Shuyuan Mary Ho (pictured right), developed an app for Android devices called “CV19 SelfDefense.” “This Collaborative Collision is …


Ph.D. Candidate Awarded Grant for Health Communication Research

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This article was written by Jennifer Vasbinder, first year M.A. Integrated Marketing Communication student and Director’s Ambassador. Ph.D. candidate Laura-Kate Huse was awarded the National Communication Association (NCA) Health Communication Division Grad-DE&I Grant for $500 towards her research in intercultural and health communication this September. “I am grateful that diversity, equitability and inclusivity are being …


School of Communication Hosts Honors in the Major Info Session

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This article was written by Jenny Ralph, a senior media communication studies student and School of Communication Director’s Ambassador. On Wednesday, Sept. 30, FSU’s School of Communication will be hosting their very own Honors in the Major Informational Meeting at 4 p.m. (EST). This virtual Q&A event will feature the School of Communication’s Honors Liaison, …


NSSLHA Donates 4,000+ Masks to Tallahassee’s Kearney Center

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FSU’s chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) participates in several fundraising projects within the Tallahassee community each semester. In early September, NSSLHA raised enough money to donate over 4,000 face masks to Tallahassee’s Kearney Center. “I knew this year would be challenging in terms of events and fundraisers due to COVID-19 …


Artificial Intelligence Researcher Receives ACM SIGMIS Grant

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Sang Hoo Oh, doctoral student and graduate lead instructor in FSU School of Information, conducts research on artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the information systems (IS) workforce. Earlier this month, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems (SIGMIS) awarded Oh a grant to support his work with …


Communication Alumna Awarded Rotarian of the Year

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Jennifer Whelihan (’02, M.A. Interactive and New Communication Technology, ’01, B.A. Media Communication Studies) was recently named the recipient of the Rotarian of the Year award by the Rotary Club of Westshore Tampa for her participation in helping the club revamp its communication efforts. “I’m so excited to receive the 2020 Rotarian of the Year …