Pablo Correa, Ph.D.: A Journey of Resiliency

On December 14, 2018 Pablo Correa graduated from FSU’s School of Communication with a Ph.D. in Communication. You can read about his inspiring story of triumph and perseverance in the Tallahassee Democrat as well as a special spotlight feature on the FSU News website.


CCI Appoints New Assistant Director for Finance & Administration

Shonda Sampson has been appointed the new Assistant Director for Finance & Administration for FSU’s College of Communication and Information (CCI). In this role, she will coordinate the administrative functions within the College, interpret and implement administrative policies as well as oversee HR, contracts and grants, as well as administer the various financial functions within CCI. She …


Three CCI Faculty Recognized for Transformative Teaching

Florida State University’s Spiritual Life Project and the Center for Advancement of Teaching recognized ten faculty members with Transformation Through Teaching awards on Thursday, November 29. Three of these faculty members are from the College of Communication and Information: Sindy Chapa, Russell Clayton, and Juliann Woods. The Transformation Through Teaching program honors full-time faculty who have …


Doctoral Students Present Research, Win Awards

Over 46 College of Communication and Information doctoral students and faculty members gathered at FSU’s Alumni Center Ballroom for the annual Doctoral Student Research Presentation and Reception on November 28, 2018. Twenty posters from the FSU’s School of Communication, School of Information, and School of Communication Science and Disorders competed for travel awards. Winners include: …


Faculty, Students Highly Recognized at National Communication Association Convention

On November 8 – 11, 2018 students and faculty from Florida State University’s School of Communication attended the 104th annual National Communication Association (NCA) convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. The National Communication Association advances Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through aesthetic, humanistic, and social scientific inquiry. NCA …


Work of Communication Alumnus Airing on ESPN

Robert Abbott (’86 B.S. Communication) has been the President of Hey Abbott! Entertainment since 2009. Abbott wrote, directed and voiced ESPN 30 for 30: The Last Days of Knight, which chronicles an investigation he did into Indiana basketball coach Bob Knight, while Abbott worked for CNN from 1987-2001. It runs 102 minutes and has been on the ESPN Plus App …


10 CCI Alumni Selected for Seminole 100

Last year, FSU School of Communication faculty member and alumnus Dr. John DuBard (’93, Ph.D. Communication) was selected for the Inaugural Seminole 100 for his computer consulting firm, Advanced Systems Design. Additionally, Dave Fiore, Founder/CEO of Fiore Communications, is being recognized for the second year in a row. A total of ten College of Communication and …