Michelle Presley Presents on the West Coast

Michelle Presley, a student pursuing a master’s in Public Interest Media and Communication, presented at the 2020 Western States Communication Association convention in Denver, Colorado. Her presentation was based on a paper she wrote with her co-author, Susan Macak, titled “The Downstream Effects of Wyoming’s Data Trespass Laws.” “The paper is a legal analysis of …


Professor Shares Cyberbullying Research Across Europe


Written by Dr. Shuyuan Ho. Associate Professor Shuyuan Mary Ho of FSU School of Information presented her research, “Charged language on Twitter: A predictive model of cyberbullying to prevent victimization,” in Munich, Germany, in December 2019. Dr. Ho gave a presentation at the Workshop on Information Security and Privacy as part of the International Conference …


Fulbright Regional Travel Program Takes Everhart to Vietnam

Graphic for story about Dr. Everhart lecturing in Vietnam

Dr. Nancy Everhart, FSU School of Information (iSchool) Professor, is a visiting Fulbright lecturer at Beijing Normal University’s Department of Library Science. Recently she traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, as a guest of Vietnam National University (VNU). Over the course of her two-day visit there, she delivered lectures related to research, practice, and …


Michelle Therrien Attends Google Conference

Michelle Therrien attends Google conference - graphic

Earlier this month Assistant Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Michelle Therrien was invited to a workshop at Google in San Francisco. The workshop brought experts in speech, language, and neurology together with Google researches, engineers, and product managers to discuss recent advances in machine learning for people with disabilities. Therrien’s background …


Dr. Chapa Attends Conference in Bolivia

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Assistant Professor and Associate Director of FSU’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, Dr. Sindy Chapa, is an expert in multicultural marketing. She recently attended the XVII Biannual International Conference in Communication organized by the Federation of School of Communication in Latin America (FELAFACS). More than 1,800 students and faculty from Latin America, Spain, and the …


FSU Welcomes Delegation from Kyonggi University

On October 4th, Florida State University welcomed a delegation from Kyonggi University in South Korea. The delegation included the President of the University, Dr. In Kyu Kim, the Dean of the Office of International Affairs, Dr. Kyung Hyun Nam, and a professor in the Department of Industrial Information, Ki Bum Lee. The delegation met with …


Mia Lustria: Keynote at CRIC 2019 and Distinguished Alumni

Mia Lustria: Keynote at CRIC 2019 and Distinguished Alumni - Graphic

Dr. Mia Lustria is a professor and chair of the Education Committee at CCI’s iSchool. Earlier this month, she traveled to the University of the Philippines Diliman as a keynote speaker for the 2019 Communication Research International Conference (CRIC). This year the conference focused on “Crossroads and off-roads in online worlds.” Dr. Lustria presented Mass …