The FSU Forensics team has been making strides at national speech tournaments. This year, the group placed 19th at the AFA-NIET tournament, the first time that the team has placed in the top 20 in consecutive years. Additionally, senior Joseph Quintana advanced to the final round and placed 4th in Informative, making him the first …
News about the FSU College of Communication & Information
FSU Forensics Team Wins at National Tournaments
Student Matthew Hebron Conducts Research Under College of Communication & Information
For college freshmen, it can be difficult to pinpoint specific research interests, career goals and future plans. However, freshman Matthew Hebron has done just that. Conducting research with the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) under FSU’s College of Communication & Information and Dr. Steve McDowell, he has found a topic that he’s passionate about and …
CONTINUE READINGiSchool Doctoral Candidate Jongwook Lee Receives Outstanding TA Award
iSchool doctoral candidate Jongwook Lee was recently presented with the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (OTAA) for his work as a lead instructor for LIS2780: Database Concepts last year. The OTAA is awarded annually to outstanding graduate teaching assistants for their distinguished contributions to student learning through excellence in instruction. In order to be eligible to …
CONTINUE READINGDr. Selena Snowden, SCSD Students Embark on Second Annual Help Guatemala Hear Mission Trip
On February 27, a plane with Dr. Selena Snowden, her husband Ryan Snowden, audiologist Dr. Halle Van Oss and 12 School of Communication Science & Disorders students landed in Solola’, Guatemala. For the next four days, the group would provide the impoverished community with hearing clinics and construction work. With help from non-profit organization Porch de Salomon …
CONTINUE READINGDr. Russell Clayton Wins AAA Research Fellowship Competition for Anti-Tobacco Commercial Research
The School of Communication’s Dr. Russell Clayton was recently recognized and awarded by the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) as the winner of their research fellowship competition. As part of the award, AAA will be funding a research study that will be conducted in the Cognition and Emotion Lab this summer and during the upcoming …
CONTINUE READINGIMC Student Jenny Lauer Accepts Position as FSU Softball Game Announcer
IMC student Jenny Lauer has a full plate in front of her. From being a TA for Dr. Misha Laurents’ Public Speaking class to leading a women’s bible study with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to being the announcer at FSU softball games, she keeps herself busy – and that’s just the way she likes …
CONTINUE READINGDr. Davis Houck Invited to National Communication Association’s Doctoral Honors Seminar
Dr. Davis Houck of the College of Communication & Information was recently invited as one of three national experts in rhetorical studies to participate in the National Communication Association (NCA)’s doctoral honors conference. One of the discipline’s most visible conferences, the NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar brings together promising doctoral students and faculty members to discuss current …