Farewell to a Friend: Katherine Morse

Katherine “Kay” Morse, FSU alumna and one of the first graduates of our Master’s Speech Pathology program, passed away peacefully at age 90 on October 21, 2015. While at Florida State, she served as President of Zeta Phi Eta, directed a play at Jefferson High School in Tampa and experienced what she told her family were some …


Free Webinar Series in Social Media, Information & Technology Careers

Please feel free to join Dr. Lorri Mon, Associate Director and Associate Professor of the FSU School of Information, in the upcoming free webinar series in Social Media and Information & Technology Careers.  Join each session via the following webinar link:  http://bit.ly/fsuwebinar   Thursday, February 18, 2016 – 12-1pmEST / Social Media Marketing & Management …


Alum Amina Resheidat Employs Communication Skills at PACE Center for Girls

While at Florida State, Amina Resheidat (B.S. ’13) double majored in Media Production and Philosophy. Throughout her time at FSU, she volunteered and held a myriad positions with Union Productions/Club Downunder, served as the President and Secretary at the Florida State University Chapter of Invisible Children, Inc. and participated with the Student Government Association. These days, the ambitious …


Alumna Nicole Dial Utilizes Media Production Skills at DreamWorks Animation

Nicole Dial (B.A. ’06) has been interested in media production ever since she read about statistical projections for the Spanish-speaking population in the U.S. by 2025 in high school. A bilingual student who was currently enrolled in a TV Production class, Dial saw a new world of opportunity become available and her interest was sparked. She explains, “At …


Alumna and Seminole State College President Ann McGee Presented with Chief Executive Leadership Award

Florida State alumna Ann McGee (B.A. ’70, M.A. ’71) found her calling as a public speaker as soon as she competed in her first speech tournament with the FSU Debate Team. She has been able to utilize her speech-giving skills and her degrees in Communication as the President of Seminole State College. She explains, “When I …


Alum Giselle Bodden Utilizes Media Production Degree as Media Planner at Discovery Communications

Giselle Bodden (B.A. ’12) has used her degree in a myriad of areas throughout the media industry from Los Angeles to Miami. She walked onto the Florida State campus with a variety of interests, but found that she particularly enjoyed the creative process of writing, shooting and editing a film. She explains, “Growing up, I was always fascinated …


Alumna Amanda Green Improves Communities as Associate Director of Healthy Schools Program

Amanda Green (B.A. Media Studies, ’00) has used her experience at Florida State to help pave the way for a career dedicated to public service. While at FSU, she enjoyed serving the community as a member of national service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. After graduating, she accepted a job coordinating service projects as the Assistant Program Director (APD) with AmeriCorps*NCCC. It …