CCI Attends Colloquium about Mental Health on College Campuses

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Dr. Jessica Wendorf Muhamad, Tracy A. Ippolito, Angela Donahue, and Laura-Kate Huse from FSU School of Communication and Juan S. Muhamad from FSU School of Information had work accepted to a colloquium at Florida International University (FIU) that took place October 22 and 23, 2019. Hosted by FIU, University Toulouse 1 Capitole -UT1C- (France), and …


Doctoral Students Present Research, Win Awards

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College of Communication and Information doctoral students and faculty members gathered at FSU’s Alumni Center Ballroom for the annual Doctoral Student Research Presentation and Reception on November 5, 2019. Twenty posters from the FSU’s School of Communication, School of Information, and School of Communication Science and Disorders competed for awards. See below for a list …


CCI Alum to History Buff: The Nic Stoltzfus Story

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Elam and Nic Stoltzfus are the ultimate father/son duo. Elam is a Grammy award-winning documentary maker and Nic is an award-winning storyteller. Together they make up the Live Oak Production Group. They focus mostly on making nature documentaries and accompanying coffee-table books. Nic Stoltzfus graduated from CCI’s School of Communication in 2012 and has been …


Dr. Chapa Attends Conference in Bolivia

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Assistant Professor and Associate Director of FSU’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, Dr. Sindy Chapa, is an expert in multicultural marketing. She recently attended the XVII Biannual International Conference in Communication organized by the Federation of School of Communication in Latin America (FELAFACS). More than 1,800 students and faculty from Latin America, Spain, and the …


Alumni-Produced Documentary Celebrates Strength of Survivors Following Hurricane Maria

Alumni Produced Documentary Accepted into 3 Festivals

On September 8, 2019, almost two years after Hurricane Maria devastated the island of Puerto Rico, Mariana Pa’Lante premiered at the Askew Student Life Center. The documentary was directed by Xabier Climent (’18 M.S. Public Interest Media Communication) and Aaron Kudja (’18, B.S. Digital Media Production). They intended to highlight the story of one rural …


CCI Students Shine at President’s Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence

CCI Presenters at President's Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence

Each year, FSU’s Office of the President and the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement (CRE) host the President’s Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence. The event highlights students who received IDEA Grants for the previous summer and the results of their research and creative projects through poster and oral presentations. This year, the event …