Career Fair to be hosted 10/7 at Turnbull Center

The College of Communication & Information (CCI) at Florida State University has partnered with the State Board of Governors (as part of the Florida IT Career Alliance – to host a Career and Educational event for local high schools as well as college students.  In the past few years, our Career event was exclusive …


Betsy on the Road: Fall 2014

Graduate school can be a scary concept. There are different programs in a variety of fields at each university, making the selection process daunting, confusing, and an overall headache. Enter: Betsy Crawford. Betsy is the College of Communication and Information’s Development Coordinator. A huge part of her role at CCI is graduate recruitment. This Fall alone, Betsy …


Attend “From School to Work” panel discussion on April 16 with local ICT professionals

Attend a panel discussion on Wednesday, April 16, from 5-6 p.m. at the FSU Shores Building, Room 006.  The following local professionals from communication and information technology (ICT) fields will share advice and answer questions about transitioning from school to work and more: Emily Allman – Senior Account Manager at RB Oppenheim Associates RB Oppenheim Associates …


University of Texas Professor to present on April 16 about broadband deployment and use

Dr. Sharon Strover will present an Eppes-Summers lecture on Wednesday, April 16, in the Shores Building, Room 206, from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.  This presentation will be webcast at  She will also be available later that afternoon for additional conversations. The title of her presentation is “From Dial-Up to Fiber-to-the-Home: The Forgotten Rural Challenge.”  Strover has a national …


Primary Patent Examiner from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to share career advice on April 8

Michael B. Holmes will be presenting and sharing career-related advice this Tuesday, April 8, at 5:15 p.m. in the Shores Building, Room 006.  The presentation will take place during the class time of Florida State University School of Information Assistant Professor, Dr. Mark Jowett, who extended the invitation to any other students who would like to attend. Currently, Holmes is …