FSU students from STARS – Students & Technology in Academia, Research & Service, spent their Saturday afternoon volunteering at the Killearn Lakes Elementary School (KLES) Fall Festival.
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Events in the CCI School of Information
STARS Students Volunteer at Killearn Lakes Elementary School Fall Festival
CCI and FSU Career Center Collaborate with NextEra Energy for 24 Hour Hackathon at the Innovation Hub
Hosted by the College of Communication & Information, the Innovation Hub, Florida State University Career Center, and in partnership with NextEra Energy, the Innovation Hub hosted its first 24-hour hackathon, “Guardians of the Grid.”
College of Communication and Information faculty members Mafe Brooks, Dr. Zhe He, Dr. Mia Lustria, and Dr. Balu Bhasuran are helping Florida State University and the University of Florida co-host the 12th IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics in Orlando, FL this upcoming June.
CONTINUE READINGCCI Leadership Board Hosts its Annual Fall Meeting
On October 13, the College of Communication & Information (CCI) Leadership Board had its annual fall meeting at the Florida State University Alumni Center.
CONTINUE READINGCCI Celebrates Faculty and Students at 2023 Scholars and Stars Reception
On October 12th, the College of Communication & Information hosted its annual Scholars and Stars Reception at the Challenger Learning Center in Downtown Tallahassee. This event recognizes incredible donors and scholarship recipients, as well as outstanding faculty and students for their leadership.
CONTINUE READINGStudents in WISE Attend JITC Tech Coast Conference
Four students that are involved in Women in IT/ICT Sharing Experiences (WISE) recently attended the Jacksonville Information Technology Conference (JITC) Tech Coast Conference.
CONTINUE READINGiSchool Alumnus Donates Two Tickets to RenderATL for iSchool Students
iSchool Alumnus Casey Jostine recently donated two tickets to the RenderATL Conference from May 31 – June 2 at Americasmart in Atlanta, Georgia.