CCI Students Continue K-12 Outreach at Local Middle and High Schools

Students in the Spring 2019 IT Leadership class have been busy engaging the future IT workforce of Florida, talking about Information Technology (IT), Information Communication & Technology (ICT), STEM careers, and the College of Communication & Information. Each semester, students partner with various schools to offer support, training, and career advice to Leon schools. This …


Best & Brightest Awarded at CCI Honors Recognition Ceremony

FSU’s College of Communication and Information (CCI) honored over 75 exceptional students, faculty, community partners, student organizations, and alumni at the College’s annual Honors Recognition Ceremony and Reception on Friday, April 5, 2019. Family and friends of CCI community members traveled from near and far to gather in Miller Hall for a presentation of awards. …


iSchool Graduate Recruitment Webinar: Friday, March 15th NEFLIN

“Digital Youth, Makerspaces, and Information and Technology Professions – Exploring Careers with Florida State University presented by (network or library)” … are you considering getting your Master of Science in Information (MSI) or Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) The NE Florida Library Information Network sponsoring an online workshop, (time), held at the (location) to learn …


iSchool Graduate Recruitment Webinar: Monday, March 11th SWFLN

“Digital Youth, Makerspaces, and Information and Technology Professions – Exploring Careers with Florida State University presented by (network or library)” … are you considering getting your Master of Science in Information (MSI) or Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) The SW Florida Library Network is sponsoring an online workshop, (time), held at the (location) to …


iSchool Graduate Recruitment Webinar: Monday, March 4th SEFLIN

“Digital Youth, Makerspaces, and Information and Technology Professions – Exploring Careers with Florida State University presented by (network or library)” … are you considering getting your Master of Science in Information (MSI) or Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) The SE Florida Library Information Network sponsoring an online workshop, (time), held at the (location) to learn …


iSchool Graduate Recruitment Webinar: Friday, March 1st – TBLC

“Digital Youth, Makerspaces, and Information and Technology Professions – Exploring Careers with Florida State University presented by (network or library)” … are you considering getting your Master of Science in Information (MSI) or Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) The TBLC is sponsoring an online workshop, (time), held at the (location) to learn about the Florida State …