Weissenberger awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship

Dr. Lynnsey Weissenberger, alumna of the School of Information master’s and doctoral programs in Library and Information Studies, has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship for two years of postdoctoral research in the European Union. The highly-competitive fellowship scheme attracts researchers who are mobile, meaning they are able to live and work within …


iSchool Women Recognized at ALISE 2017

Women from the School of Information at Florida State University brought home accolades from the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) conference this weekend. Many iSchool faculty, students and alumni attended the conference in Atlanta, Ga. ALISE focuses on Library Information Studies educators and researchers. Florida’s iSchool is ranked as the #13 Best …


Mardis Keynotes MAME Conference

Marcia Mardis, Associate Professor in the School of Information and CCI Assistant Dean has long been a player in school librarianship and digital learning. In her research she explores digital learning resource collection, description, and use. Her unique research not only yielded two recent books, numerous grants and the popular Web2MARC cataloging software, but also …


FSU Professor Designs Systems to Detect Online Dishonesty

We’ve all received an email that makes us pause and wonder, “…is this real or spam?” iSchool assistant professor Shuyuan Ho has started to crack the code behind online deception. Inspired by Alan Turing, the mathematician whose Enigma machine broke German ciphers in the World War II, Dr. Ho set out to create an algorithm …


iSchool’s Zhe He Attends NIH Future Research Leaders Conference

Dr. Zhe He, assistant professor in the School of Information, recently attended National Institute of Health’s Future Research Leaders Conference. The NIH Future Research Leaders Conference (FRLC), sponsored by the Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity (COSWD) NIH, is an event held in conjunction with the NIH Research Festival to promote knowledge and awareness about …


CCI Welcomes Visiting Professor Adriana Duarte from Brazil

In 2010, the Brazilian government passed a law requiring all Brazilian schools to have a library by the year 2020. Six years later, the country is still facing unique roadblocks in their progress towards this goal – roadblocks that visiting professor Dr. Adriana Duarte will be examining during her time with us in Tallahassee. Before a school …