“Paradigms, Practice, and Projects: Couple Testing for HIV in Uganda”
Professor Jyotika Ramaprasad, University of Miami
Monday,October 13, 2014, 3:00- 4:30 pm
Auditorium,Center for Global Engagement, Florida State University
Jyotika Ramaprasad is Professor and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the School of Communication at the University of Miami since 2008. Her research has focused on profiles of journalists in Africa and Asia, and on communication for social change. Currently, she is participating in two large projects on journalists,i.e., the Worlds of Journalism and a project on countries in the BRICS coalition. Ramaprasad has also worked on communication for social change projects in Asia and Africa, and more recently in Europe. Her work in these areas of journalist profiles and social change communication is published in the Gazette, The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics,Asian Journal of Communication, Social Marketing Quarterly and Journal of Health and Mass Communication. Ramaprasad is on the editorial board of Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly and Mass Communication and Society.
Ramaprasad has won several grants from the Department of State for work in Asia and Africa. More recently, her grants are from within UM and from other funders. The international scope of her work has made Ramaprasad aware of the need for education in communication for social change and for faculty involvement is such projects. As Vice Dean, she re-envisioned the doctoral program to focus on research and action for positive change. As Interim Director of the Knight Center for International Media, now the Center for Communication, Culture and Change, she extended its mission from journalism forsocial change to communication for social change, thus making it a research center for doctoral students to engage in immersive research experience for social change.
The visit is supported by: The Center for Global Engagement, John H. Phipps Fund FSU Foundation, College of Communication and Information, and the Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research.
Please contact Steve McDowell (steve.mcdowell@cci.fsu.edu)or Aleks Nesic (anesic@admin.fsu.edu)if you have any questions.
Selected Papers by Dr. Ramaprasad:
Ramaprasad, J. (2013). Effect of a public service announcement on couple testing for HIV in Uganda on beliefs and intent to act. In J. Servaes (Ed.). Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication: Theory and Praxis. Chicago.
Ramaprasad, J., Sessa, W., and Lang,K. (2012). Male circumcision for HIV prevention: Predicting behavioral intention and attitude using the Health Belief Model. IAMCR. Durban, SouthAfrica, July 2012.
Ramaprasad, J. (2012). Pakistani journalists: Roles, epistemologies and ethics. 1st International Conference on Journalism Studies. Santiago, Chile, July 2012.
Ramaprasad, J., Garrison, B., and Liu,Y. (2012). Ethical use of new technologies: Where do Indian journalists stand?Asian Journal of Communication. 22(1), 98-114.
Ramaprasad, J. (2012). Mapping territory, making change: Ugandan journalists addressing HIV/AIDS.International Communication Research Journal. 47(1-2), 46-76.
Ramaprasad, J. (2011). Couple testing for HIV: Evaluating effectiveness of a video in Uganda. Journal of Health and Mass Communication. 3(1-4), 206-228. Spokane, Washington. [Web Site]