Last month, the Alpha Sigma chapter of Delta Zeta worked with Florida State speech pathology graduate students to host an event for children with hearing loss from the FSU Speech and Hearing Clinic.
Delta Zeta’s philanthropy on a national level is Starkey Hearing Foundation whose mission is “to give the gift of hearing to those in need, empowering them to achieve their potential.” On a local level, the Alpha Sigma chapter continues this mission by working with the L.L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic at Florida State University, which provides community service in order to improve the communication abilities of clients and also a teaching and clinical research laboratory for students and professionals in speech-language pathology and audiology.

Linda Sasser, whose clinical team works with children at the clinic shared more about the collaboration with Delta Zeta, stating, “The sorority supports our efforts to provide services to our community such as hearing evaluations and speech therapy for hearing impaired children and adults by allocating funds raised by philanthropy events and donations to go toward funding the clinic. In addition, [Delta Zeta] hosts events at their house for the hearing impaired children that receive therapy at the clinic such as the annual Easter egg hunt and our trick-or-treating event in the fall.”
At this year’s Halloween Party, nearly 50 children trick-or-treated throughout the house, played games, and painted pumpkins. Sasser’s clinical team of graduate students were also able to assist with communication during the event. Parents had the opportunity to speak with each other as well as hear from audiologist Dr. Catherine Johnson on the importance of using remote microphones with hearing devices. “The children love to be with their peers who also have hearing loss. The parents are able to talk with other parents who have children with hearing loss. It is a “support group” atmosphere and the clients and their families benefit greatly,” Sasser shared, “We appreciate all that Delta Zeta does for these families!”
To learn more about the L.L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic, visit