CCI Faculty Recognized at FSU Authors Day

Authors DayEach year, the Office of Faculty Recognition holds an Authors Day to recognize faculty members who have published books in the past year. From the College of Communication and Information, Marcia Mardis and Melissa Gross are honored for their books.

Melissa Gross

FiveStepsGrossFive Steps of Outcome-Based Planning & Evaluation for Public Libraries

Co-authored with Cindy Mediavilla and Virginia A. Walter, the book is intended to help librarians conduct solid community assessments and integrate outcome-based planning and evaluation (OBPE) into their work.

Find it on the ALA Store.



Marcia Mardis

MardisResearchMethodsResearch Methods for Librarians and Educators

True to title, this book looks at a broad overview of  research methods used in library and information studies & associated fields. Mardis uses a real-world perspective and offers authentic scenarios.

Available October 2017. Find more information via ABC-CLIO.




Librarians and Educators Collaborating for Success

Edited by Dr. Marcia Mardis, this book looks at the Librarian’s role in instruction and curriculum in the K-12 setting. As a collaborative effort between teachers and school librarians with an international perspective, it’s sure to be a staple in the LIS community.

Find it on Amazon.