Written by Hanya Noussier
CCI students attended the 31st Annual Association of Marketing Theory and Practice (AMTP) held March 15-18, 2023, at the Sonesta Resort in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
AMTP is an international academic marketing conference focusing on bringing together academic theory and real-world marketing practices. It encourages participation through both an annual conference and The Journal of Applied Marketing Theory (JAMT).
Dr. Sindy Chapa, Associate Professor in the FSU School of Communication and the Director of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication (CHMC), presented a collaborative paper, co-authored with current Ph.D. candidate Pei Wang and former Ph.D. student Sean Sawicki.
“I was very excited to see our students presenting and networking with other faculty and Ph.D. students. I am very proud of their accomplishment!” said Chapa.
Ph.D. alumna Faren Karimkhan also presented a paper at the conference.
During the Cross-Cultural Influences session, students and alumni from the School of Communication presented two papers, one co-authored by Public Interest Media and Communication (PIMC) master’s student Hanya Noussier and Dr. Chapa, and one co-authored by Integrated Marketing and Communication (IMC) alumna Antonia Manzella and also Dr. Chapa.
“It was insightful to me to attend my first academic conference as a presenter, which allowed me to expand my knowledge and look at things from a different perspective,” said Noussier. “I appreciated everyone’s positive attitude, willingness to explain concepts, clarity of feedback, and the opportunity to answer questions.”
During the Internal Branding session, Ph.D. student Ashley N. Johns presented her paper.
“This conference provided me with an amazing opportunity to receive valuable feedback on my research from fellow scholars before I submitted my paper to a major academic journal in the field and allowed me to experience the numerous streams of research within the field of communication through others’ presentations,” said Johns.
During the Internal Branding session, Ph.D. candidate Meng Tian presented his paper.
During the consumer well-being session, IMC master’s student Islam Gouda presented his paper.
“Going to the AMTP is one of the enriching experiences of being part of the Center for Hispanic Marketing and Communication,” he said. “The support provided by FSU, the School of Communication, and Dr. Sindy Chapa makes us students feel fulfilled on many levels.”