Celebrating CCI Faculty Promotions in 2025

The College of Communication & Information (CCI) congratulates the following faculty members on their recent promotions! 

Rachel Bailey was promoted to Professor in the School of Communication. She also serves as the Director of the Interactions in Communication Contexts Lab. Her research program seeks to explicate complex human interactions with and via media; it is especially relevant in the fields of media psychology, health communication, and media processes and effects. 

Andrea Barton-Hulsey was promoted to Associate Professor in the School of Communication Science & Disorders. Barton-Hulsey’s research is centered on characterizing the linguistic skills which children with intellectual and developmental disabilities use for reading development. 

Sindy Chapa was promoted to Professor in the School of Communication. Chapa also serves as the Director of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication. Her research focuses on the effect of advertising strategies on Latino consumers and other segments of the market. 

Russell B. Clayton was promoted to Professor in the School of Communication. Clayton is also a Distinguished and Endowed Provost McKenzie Professor and the founding director of the Cognition and Emotion Lab. He is also a research affiliate of the Institute for Successful Longevity and the Institute on Digital Health and Innovation. His research is centered on media psychology, health communication, and psychophysiological methods. 

Christopher Constantino was promoted to Associate Professor in the School of Communication Science & Disorders. Constantino researches how to improve the lived experience of stuttering. He enjoys riding bicycles with his wife, Megan, and sons, Augustine, Sebastian, and Maximilian. 

Juliann Cortese was promoted to Professor in the School of Communication. Cortese also serves as the Director of Master’s Studies in the School of Communication. Her research focuses on ehealth, marketing communication, communication technologies, visual communication, and media use and its effects. A fun fact about Dr. Cortese is that she worked in the marketing department at Dreamworks, SKG, in Los Angeles before obtaining her PhD from The Ohio State University. 

Kelly Farquharson was promoted to Professor in the School of Communication Science & Disorders. Farquharson also serves as the Director of the Children’s Literacy and Speech Sound (CLaSS) Lab. As a former school-based speech-language pathologist (SLP), she studies a multitude of factors that influence how children with speech and language disorders acquire literacy skills. Outside of work, Farquharson favorite things include reading, animals, and taking walks. 

Zhe He was promoted to Professor in the School of Information. He also serves as Director of the eHealth Lab and Director of the FSU Institiute of Successful Longevity. His research focuses on improving population health and advancing biomedical research through the application of informatics and human-centered AI. 

Kaitlin Lansford was promoted to Professor in the School of Communication Science & Disorders. Lansford also serves as the College’s Associate Dean of Research and Creative Activities and as Director of the Motor Speech Disorders Lab (MSDLab). Her research focuses on motor speech disorders and using perceptual training to improve intelligibility of people with dysarthria. 

Jaejin Lee has been promoted to Professor in the School of Communication. Her research specializes in sustainability communication, green consumerism, consumer behavior, branding, and strategic marketing communications. She is currently spending her sabbatical in Seoul, South Korea, where she has been invited to serve as a visiting professor at the School of Communication at Sogang University for a semester. 

Elizabeth Madden was promoted to Associate Professor in the School of Communication Science & Disorders. Madden also serves as an affiliate of the Institute for Successful Longevity. Her research focuses on the rehabilitation of aphasia, an acquired language processing disorder. 

Patrick F. Merle was promoted to Professor. Merle also serves as the Director of the School of Communication and as an affiliate of the Institute for Successful Longevity. Merle, an editorial board member for the International Journal of Strategic Communication, is working with the Commission on Public Relations Education on a graduate education report. Merle, who received in 2024 a SEED grant to study communication and risk perceptions as it relates to hurricanes, currently focuses his research on crisis and risk communication for issues such as bike safety messaging, as well as injury recovery protocols.  

Shuyuan Ho Metcalfe was promoted to Professor in the School of Information. Metcalfe’s research focuses on trusted human-computer interaction, exploring the intersection of AI-mediated deception, deepfakes, and cyber defense consciousness. Metcalfe’s work appears in Computers in Human Behavior, Computers & Security, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and Journal of Information Systems Education. Metcalfe has been supported by the NSF, U.S. Air Force, and the Fulbright Scholar Program. On a personal note, while her family owns a lake house, she’s never learned to swim—researchers, after all, swim in information.