iSchool Professor Leads International Conference on Health Informatics

From June 3-6, 2024, Florida State University co-hosted the 12th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2024) with the University of Florida in Orlando, Florida, under the direction of School of Information (iSchool) Associate Professor Dr. Zhe He.

ICHI is a premier international conference focused on the application of computer science, information science, data science, informatics, information technology, and communication science and technology to address problems and support research in healthcare, medicine, life science, public health, and everyday wellness.

“Organizing ICHI 2024 has been an unforgettable journey,” said Dr. He, who served as Leading General Co-Chair of the conference alongside Drs. Yi Guo and Jiang Bian of the University of Florida. “Over the past ten months, our dedicated team has worked tirelessly to ensure both the highest quality of scientific content and a seamless live event.”

That team consisted of 28 members in the Organizing Committee and over 100 experts around the world in the Program Committee, including iSchool Professor Dr. Mia Lustria (Posters and Demo Co-Chair), College of Communication and Information Assistant Dean of Development Mafé Brooks (Sponsorship Co-Chair), and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Balu Bhasuran (Publication Co-Chair). Together, this team brought in 188 conference attendees from 19 countries and regions.

Dr. He also had the opportunity to see a doctoral student he advises, Forhan Bin Emdad, present during ICHI’s Doctoral Consortium.

“The Doctoral Consortium is an incredible opportunity for graduate students to present their Ph.D. research in front of an expert panel consisting of world leading experts in health informatics and AI. It is rewarding to hear my student presenting his work on this platform.”

Dr. He wishes luck to the organizers of ICHI 2025, which will take place in Italy.