ALA Conference Award Available

The Federal Librarians Adelaide Del Frate Conference Sponsorship Award is:

  • For students who are currently enrolled in any ALA-accredited library school who:
    • do not already have an ALA accredited degree,
    • have expressed an interest in some aspect of Federal librarianship, and
    • are either full or part-time students at the time of application.
  • From the Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Roundtable of the American Library Association
  • $1,000 for annual conference registration fee, transportation, and other expenses related to attendance at the next ALA Annual Meeting.


  • Students nominate themselves for this award with an application.
  • A letter of reference may be sent in support of the application to the Awards Committee Chair from a Federal librarian, a library school professor, etc.
  • Application and information available.
  • Deadline is March 1, 2006.