Asst. Professor & Center for Hispanic Marketing Comm. Associate Director Chapa quoted by Miami Diario at FIU Conference

FSU School of Communication Assistant Professor & Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication Associate Director, Dr. Sindy Chapa, attended the “Hispanic Communication Conference: Bridging Culture and Behavior” hosted by Florida International University on Nov. 7-8 in Miami, Fla.  Chapa quoted in an article by the  Having conducted research on the U.S. Hispanic market, she stressed the …


Alumni and PEEPS volunteer Ritesh Gupta speaks to students

Ritesh Gupta is currently producing commercials for the dating web site, however, his visit to Florida State University’s College of Communication & Information (CCI) on Nov. 1 was to help facilitate a different kind of connection. Gupta stopped by the Shores Building to visit with students as a part of the college’s efforts to …


COMM students to present work at Union for Democratic Communications conference

Several Florida State University School of Communication students and faculty members will be presenting their work at the Union for Democratic Communications conference on Nov. 1-3 in San Francisco. The theme of this year’s annual conference is “The Point is to Change It: Media Democracy and Democratic Media in Action.”  The conference, which will be held jointly …


Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication hosts annual advisory board events

The Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication (HMC) at the Florida State University College of Communication & Information (FSU CCI) is the first of its kind in the United States devoted to educating students and professionals in the field of Hispanic marketing and advertising.  Faculty and students working with the Center are conducting ground-breaking research and serving as …


Comm. Professors to speak Oct. 23 at Global Peace-Building Series Panel about “The Nexus of Conflict & Journalism: Critical Perspectives from Europe & South Asia”

The “Nexus of Conflict and Journalism: Critical Perspectives from Europe and South Asia” panel will take place on Wednesday, October 23, from 5:30-7 p.m. at the FSU Center for Global Engagement (CGE) Globe Auditorium. During the past decade, several ongoing and emerging international conflicts have surfaced.  In the last few years, non-conventional forces and governments …


COMM Professor Raney quoted in Orlando Sentinel article about Jameis Winston

Dr. Arthur Raney, James E. Kirk Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the FSU School of Communication, was quoted in an Orlando Sentinel article about FSU’s very own star baseball and football quarterback athlete, Jameis Winston. Raney commented on Winston’s increasing popularity status after the freshman quarterback was recorded launching a football over …


PR student wins research stipend awards and presents at Undergraduate Showcase

Matthew A. Prince, a junior at Florida State University (FSU) pursuing a dual degree in Public Relations and English Studies, with minors in Social Work and Business, presented Oct. 1 in the annual Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence. This event took place in the FSU Turnbull Conference Center, where all students, staff, and faculty were …