Arrowhead Advertising Places Top 8 in 2024 National Student Advertising Competition

Florida State’s Arrowhead Advertising reached the final round of the 2024 National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). The team advanced through the district and semi-final rounds, ultimately ranking 6th out of the 103 schools that initially entered.

“I’m incredibly proud of the collective accomplishment of our team,” said Dr. Kelly Kelly, Arrowhead’s faculty advisor. “Our team earned a spot in the top 8 out of 103 schools. So that’s an elite group. It takes an ambitious team to accomplish that.”

Arrowhead Advertising is Florida State’s team of about 20 undergraduate students who compete in the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) annual National Student Advertising Competition.

In the fall, the AAF announces the competition’s sponsor who then serves as the client for the campaign. Students engage in marketing and consumer research in the fall and develop the campaign strategy. In the spring, they bring the campaign to life. This year, students created an integrated marketing campaign for NSAC client, Tide.

The team is student-led with specialized groups working within a hierarchical structure under the direction of the team captain and creative director. Each group under them has a director that leads the planning and direction of all team activities.

“We began our work back in August, so to see it finally come all together as one cohesive campaign was truly amazing,” director of the media team Jack McMahon said.

The presentation team at the final round of the competition included Leah Solomon, Emily Hale, and Jack McMahon. Haley Thomasson and Annabel Owens, directors of the digital/social and video team, joined the presenters for the Q&A part of the competition.

Congratulations to FSU’s Arrowhead Advertising team!