Three-Time FSU Alumna Publishes Mentor in Librarianship Study

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Three-time alumna Alyse Jordan was recently published in the Journal of Academic Librarianship. Her article, An Examination of Formal Mentoring, was a quantitative study examining mentor relationships in librarianship. “The study’s participants were former mentees from 2010 to 2015 in Library Leadership and Management Association mentoring program,” Jordan explains. “The findings of the study focused …


iSchool Student and Faculty Published

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iSchool doctoral candidate Lynette Gerido, assistant professor Dr. Zhe He, and their teammates in the eHealth Lab were recently published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, a top journal in health informatics and health service research. In this project, they conducted a secondary data analysis to understand the factors that are associated with patients’ …


CCI Alum to History Buff: The Nic Stoltzfus Story

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Elam and Nic Stoltzfus are the ultimate father/son duo. Elam is a Grammy award-winning documentary maker and Nic is an award-winning storyteller. Together they make up the Live Oak Production Group. They focus mostly on making nature documentaries and accompanying coffee-table books. Nic Stoltzfus graduated from CCI’s School of Communication in 2012 and has been …


Michelle Therrien Attends Google Conference

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Earlier this month Assistant Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Michelle Therrien was invited to a workshop at Google in San Francisco. The workshop brought experts in speech, language, and neurology together with Google researches, engineers, and product managers to discuss recent advances in machine learning for people with disabilities. Therrien’s background …


Dr. Chapa Attends Conference in Bolivia

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Assistant Professor and Associate Director of FSU’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, Dr. Sindy Chapa, is an expert in multicultural marketing. She recently attended the XVII Biannual International Conference in Communication organized by the Federation of School of Communication in Latin America (FELAFACS). More than 1,800 students and faculty from Latin America, Spain, and the …


Mia Lustria: Keynote at CRIC 2019 and Distinguished Alumni

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Dr. Mia Lustria is a professor and chair of the Education Committee at CCI’s iSchool. Earlier this month, she traveled to the University of the Philippines Diliman as a keynote speaker for the 2019 Communication Research International Conference (CRIC). This year the conference focused on “Crossroads and off-roads in online worlds.” Dr. Lustria presented Mass …


iSchool Doc Students Present at AMCIS Conference

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Two doctoral students from the FSU School of Information (iSchool) presented papers at the 2019 AMCIS conference in Cancún, Mexico. In its 25th year, America’s Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is an event of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), and took place August 15 to 17 with the theme “New Frontiers in Digital Convergence.” …