Meet Erika Gianni, Newest Member of Hispanic Marketing Communication Advisory Board


Erika Gianni (’05, M.A. Integrated Marketing and Management Communication, ’97, B.A. Multinational Business Operations) was named the newest member of FSU’s Hispanic Marketing Communication Advisory Board. This board is responsible for overseeing all areas of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication and features prominent employees from companies such as Netflix, Walmart, and Coca-Cola Company. Founded …


School of Communication Hosts Honors in the Major Info Session

SCOM honors in the major featured graphic

This article was written by Jenny Ralph, a senior media communication studies student and School of Communication Director’s Ambassador. On Wednesday, Sept. 30, FSU’s School of Communication will be hosting their very own Honors in the Major Informational Meeting at 4 p.m. (EST). This virtual Q&A event will feature the School of Communication’s Honors Liaison, …


Dr. Chapa Attends Conference in Bolivia

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Assistant Professor and Associate Director of FSU’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, Dr. Sindy Chapa, is an expert in multicultural marketing. She recently attended the XVII Biannual International Conference in Communication organized by the Federation of School of Communication in Latin America (FELAFACS). More than 1,800 students and faculty from Latin America, Spain, and the …


Students Attend Culture Marketing Council Annual Summit

Five students from FSU’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication (HMC) attended the Cultural Marketing Council (CMC) Annual Summit this June. Jennifer Gordillo, Jessica Juachon, Meng Tian, Ailin Xia, and Wenzhe Yan traveled to the annual event that took place in Dallas, Texas, for three days of immersion in the multicultural marketing industry. Culture-driven marketing was …


Sindy Chapa Publishes & Presents Work on Hispanic Marketing

Dr. Sindy Chapa, an assistant professor at the FSU School of Communication, recently presented her work at the Hispanic/Latino Media & Marketing (HLMM) conference. The work Chapa presented at HLMM is a chapter of the recently published book, Latinx Voices: Hispanics in the Media in the U.S. Her chapter provides a general overview of the Hispanic …


Eleven Students Selected for Prestigious MAIP Internship Program

The American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As) selected eleven students from FSU’s School of Communication and from FSU’s School of Information for a one-of-a-kind experience this summer through their Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP). The Program works with advertising agencies across the country to place selected diverse applicants in open internship positions. With a mission “to …


Doctoral Students Present Research, Win Awards

Over 46 College of Communication and Information doctoral students and faculty members gathered at FSU’s Alumni Center Ballroom for the annual Doctoral Student Research Presentation and Reception on November 28, 2018. Twenty posters from the FSU’s School of Communication, School of Information, and School of Communication Science and Disorders competed for travel awards. Winners include: …