FSU to showcase students' digital creations March 30

Innovative digital-technology projects produced by Florida State University students will be on display during DigiTech, an exhibition running from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, March 30, in the William Johnston Building. “Digitech is unique in that it demonstrates how digital technologies are impacting all disciplines, even perhaps unexpected areas like art, dance, English, and history,” …


SCSD showcases facilities at Warren Building open house

The School of Communication Science & Disorders held an open house on Friday, March 16, at its new facilities in the renovated Warren Building in downtown Tallahassee. It was a true “town and gown” event as Mayor John Marks joined university dignitaries for a tour of six-floor structure. “We are thrilled to have a new …


SCSD Official Open House for the new Warren building

Save the Date! SCSD will have its official Open House to show off its new building on March 16th. We will be giving guided tours from 2-4pm (for on-campus individuals) and 4-6 (for community members). Please join us! Busses are available for easy transportation to the new Warren building. Tall Timbers Warren Bus Route


Shannon Hall-Mills, ASHA Roles and Responsibilities

Shannon Hall-Mills, a Visiting Assistant Professor in SCSD, moderated an expert panel regarding the ASHA Roles and Responsibilities of SLPs in Schools at the Schools Conference of the Florida Association for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (FLASHA) at Nova Southeastern University’s campus in Orlando, October 29th. Dr. Hall-Mills spoke on several essential factors in implementing the …


FSU School of Communication hosts Dr. Binod C. Agrawal

Presentations (All CCI students welcome) this coming week at by Dr. Binod C. Agrawal is the guest of the School of Communication at Florida State University during the week of November 28 to December 2, 2011.  During his visit to FSU, Dr. Agrawal will lead two workshops on qualitative research methods (each offered two times), …


Ryan Cohn to speak on "Changing Behavior Through Social Media"

Ryan Cohn, CEO of What’s Next Marketing, is no stranger to the College of Communication & Information (CCI).  He has made many guest appearances in classes and has been active with student groups, Career Days, internships for FSU students, mentoring IT entreprenuers, etc.  This Wednesday, 11/16,  is no different. At 7pm in HCB 102, Ryan …


2011 Vic Baird Graduate Student Program

On September 30th through October 2nd, sixteen graduate students in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders traveled to Orlando Florida to attend the 2011 Vic Baird Graduate Student Program, sponsored by the Florida Laryngectomy Association.  This annual program is designed to provide specific training to graduate students on the implications of laryngectomy. The program …