Ryan Cohn to speak on "Changing Behavior Through Social Media"

Ryan Cohn, CEO of What’s Next Marketing, is no stranger to the College of Communication & Information (CCI).  He has made many guest appearances in classes and has been active with student groups, Career Days, internships for FSU students, mentoring IT entreprenuers, etc.  This Wednesday, 11/16,  is no different.

At 7pm in HCB 102, Ryan will discuss “Changing Behavior Through Social Media”.  The event is being hosted by The Florida Public Relations Association, in partnership with Ad Club, CEO and Phi Beta Lambda, and is open to all FSU students.

If you are a social media enthusiast, or just someone who doesn’t quite understand how to use social media effectively, this event is for you!  With the increasing popularity of social media, many struggle with how to use social media effectively. Some are not sure how to use social media for marketing purposes, and some are unsure why their current marketing strategies are not working. Cohn, an FSU alumnus, will speak on how to use social media in order to make your fans and followers actually change their behavior.