Students Present at National STARS Conference

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Launched at FSU in 2006, the mission of the STARS (Students & Technology in Academia, Research & Service) Alliance is based in servant leadership. The FSU student organization is part of a national network of over 50 colleges and universities with a mission to develop college students and faculty as leaders who broaden participation for …


iSchool Faculty Publish Study on How Parenting Information is Shared Online

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FSU School of Information (iSchool) faculty published a new research paper titled “How do mothers exchange parenting-related information in online communities? A Metasynthesis.” The paper has been accepted for publication in Computers in Human Behavior, a journal focused on the use of computers from a psychological perspective. “This study helped us better understand how mothers …


Quarantine Sparks National Outreach from Campus Girl Scouts Group


This article was written by Kelly Newbrough and Ebe Randeree. Coronavirus isn’t holding back the Campus Girl Scouts (CGS) from maintaining their outreach this semester. CGS is an organization with Florida State’s College of Communication and Information that is focused on encouraging and promoting the values of Girl Scouts while serving the college campus and …


Aaron Redda: iSchool Success Story

Aaron Redda (’20, M.S. Information Technology) is the definition of an iSchool success. On his many list of achievements, Redda was named the youngest member to serve on the FAMU NAA-Leon County Executive Board, as its fundraising chair earlier this month. He also received the Jacqueline D. Montgomery Scholarship in Information Studies and a national …


iSchool Alumna Wins two 40 Under 40 Awards in a Week

FSU School of Information (iSchool) alumna, Julia Skinner, received two 40 Under 40 nominations within the same week. Georgia Trend announced her nomination just days after the Atlanta Business Chronicles did the same. Skinner is the first fermenter or food historian to win either award, and the first culinary professional in the country to earn …


iSchool Participates in ASIS&T Virtual Conference

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FSU School of Information (iSchool) faculty and alumni are virtually participating in this year’s 83rd annual ASIS&T conference from October 22 to November 1, 2020. The Association for Information Science and Technology, or ASIS&T, prides itself on being the premier professional association dedicated to putting information science research into practice. Members specialize in various fields, …