CCI Students Judge Middle and High School Students at TSA State Competition

Earlier this semester, 11 College of Communication and Information students traveled to Orlando to serve as judges for the Florida Technology Student Association’s State Competition. The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national organization that promotes technological literacy, leadership, and problem-solving for over 250,000 middle and high school students. At the State Competiti on, students …


School of Information Professor Dr. Besiki Stvilia Presents at 86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Last semester, School of Information professor Dr. Besiki Stvilia traveled to London to attend and present at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Dr. Stvilia has attended many of these meetings before and always welcomes the opportunity to stay updated on developments in his research areas and connect …


Dean Michelle Kazmer becomes First American Keynote Speaker at the Agatha Christie and Golden Age of Crime International Conference

In September, Dr. Michelle Kazmer, Dean of the College of Communication and Information, became the first American to give a keynote speech at the Agatha Christie and Golden Age of Crime International Conference in Exeter, U.K. Kazmer–a lifelong Agatha Christie fan–shared, “Since 2014, I have attended and presented at this conference regularly, and it has …