The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) recently announced the winners of their annual awards. Students, alumni, and faculty of FSU College of Communication and Information are on the list, and will be recognized at ALISE’s virtual conference in October.
ALISE Best Conference Paper Award
Librarians as Natural Disaster Stress Response Facilitators: Building Evidence for Trauma-informed Library Education and Practice
Marcia Mardis, Faye Jones, Scott Pickett (FSU College of Medicine), Denise Gomez, Curtis Tenney, Zoe Leonarczyk, Samantha Nagy (FSU College of Medicine)
ALISE Community conn@CT Mini-grants
Integrating Immigrants into the LIS Workforce: A Pilot, Collaborative Project
Ana Ndumu (’18, Ph.D. Information), Michele Villagran (San Jose State University), Reforma Education Committee
ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition
Positioning Vulnerability in Youth Digital Information Practices Scholarship: What are we Missing or Exhausting?
Mega Subramaniam (’07, Ph.D. Information), Natalie Pang (National University of Singapore), Shandra Morehouse (University of Maryland), S. Nisa Asgarali-Hoffman (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)