Three recent doctoral graduates from Florida State University’s College of Communication & Information have been hired to faculty positions at institutions around the nation.

Amelia Gibson, who earned her Ph.D. last December from the School of Information, has accepted a position as assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science beginning July 1. She also received a Master of Science in Library and Information Studies from Florida State.
While at Florida State, Gibson was a McKnight Fellow. She is a member of the Beta Phi Mu Honor Society. This fall, Gibson will teach INLS 500, “Human Information Interactions.”
“While at FSU I received excellent mentorship and opportunities to develop my skills as a researcher and as an instructor,” Gibson said. “It really is a wonderful thing to be surrounded by a community of people who are curious, brilliant, and not afraid to pursue their passions as far as their research is concerned, and to be in an environment where professors consider Ph.D. students and candidates to be junior faculty, and support them as such.”

Sophie Janicke, a recent Ph.D. graduate at the School of Communication, accepted a position as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Arkansas, which she will start in August after finishing a visiting professorship in the Institute for Journalism and Communication Research at Hannover (Germany) School of Music, Theater, and Media. She will be teaching Media, Community & Citizenship, an introductory undergraduate class and also an Entertainment Effects class.
“Florida State has helped me to excel academically through its great classes, financial support for conference travels, the department’s amazing faculty and various opportunities to be on the forefront of socially relevant research,” Janicke said. “FSU helped me to express who I really am. FSU gave me wings to fly and show everyone else the best in me.”

Michael Chouinard, who will earn his Ph.D. from the School of Communication in December, recently accepted a full-time, tenure-track position as a professor of speech and assistant director of forensics at Florida State College at Jacksonville for the fall semester.
“The work I’ve done as the Director of Forensics at FSU was a huge asset throughout the job search process, and was a key factor in FSCJ’s decision to hire me,” Chouinard said.