Join us to celebrate FSU communication alumnus Elam Stoltzfus’ 30 years as a filmmaker on Sunday, March 30, from 4 until 6 p.m. The event will begin with a free screening of his Emmy-award winning documentary, “Florida Wildlife Corridor”, followed by a panel discussion and reception.
The film chronicles how four explorers traveled 1000 miles in 100 days from the Florida Everglades to southern Georgia’s Okefenokee Swamp in 2012. Stoltzfus served as the cinematographer/director who documented the expedition to produce a film about their journey and the Florida Wildlife Corridor. This documentary won an Emmy award and been shown nationwide on public television (learn more about it at: floridawildlifecorridor.org).
After the screening, Stoltzfus will join a panel to speak about topics such as film-making art and the environment. Other panelists will include members of the Florida Wildlife Corridor expedition team and FSU School of Communication Professor, Dr. Andrew Opel.
An exclusive look at Stoltzfus’ previous work will be featured as part of this 30-year anniversary event celebrating him as a filmmaker. Find his full resume available at his Live Oak Production Group’s company website: liveoakproductiongroup.com/htmls/resumes.html, and check out his bio: floridawildlifecorridor.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/FWC_ElamBio.pdf.
Hosted by the College of Communication & Information (CCI)’s Student Leadership Council, this free admission event will take place at the FSU Askew Student Life Cinema (942 Learning Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306). Here is a map of parking: https://union.fsu.edu/movies
The schedule is as follows:
4 p.m.- Film Screening
5 p.m.- Panel Discussion with Stoltzfus, members of the expedition team & Dr. Opel
6 p.m.- Reception
This event is free, but seating is limited! Please RSVP to reserve your spot at cci.fsu.edu/rsvp.
For more information or any questions, feel free to contact FSU CCI’s Development Officer, Betsy Crawford, at Betsy.Crawford@cci.fsu.edu or 850.645.9661.