SCSD Students Attend and Win Award at AAA Convention

Six undergraduate students from the School of Communication Science and Disorders (SCSD) attended the National American Academy of Audiology (AAA) convention April 17-20 in Atlanta, Georgia. Among these students were Allison Matula, Hayley Krush, Chloe Milinaro, Katie Mcgrane, and Brooke Self who returned with the SAA (Student Academy of Audiology) Best Chapter Fundraising Award.

 SCSD’s students are encouraged to engage deeply within their chosen field to develop their leadership and strengthen their craft. The AAA convention provided an experience for students to do so through educational meetings and critical peer-to-peer networking events. 

Some audiology faculty members accompanied this group of students including Director of Audiology Services, Dr. Selena Snowden, who said, “It was particularly delightful to go alongside our FSU students! Their endless curiosity and enthusiasm remind me what I love most about this profession and what an inspiration it is to know that the passion for audiology lives on for future generations.”

Allison Matula, President of FSU’s Student Academy of Audiology, said, “Attending this conference as an undergraduate student pursuing a career as an audiologist was an incredible experience. I was able to network with other audiology students, audiologists, and researchers, as well as learn about the new technology in the field, and attend lectures by inspiring guest speakers.” Matula mentioned feeling grateful that the convention was held in Atlanta, Georgia this year, as its close proximity to FSU made the travel convenient. “Getting to share this experience with my fellow classmates that share my passion for audiology was an unforgettable experience,” said Matula.