Dr. Lorri Mon Named iSchool Director

The School of Information at Florida State University has named Dr. Lorri Mon as its new director. Dr. Mon has been a part of FSU’s iSchool since 2006. She has taught and researched in online information services and emerging technologies, including social media, digital reference, virtual worlds, and  e-government.  As an advocate for libraries, Dr. …


Dr. Jay Rayburn Balances Being A Professor, Director of Communications Research Center, and Contractor

Dr. Jay Rayburn, Associate Professor in CCI’s School of Communication and Director of the Communications Research Center, also works consistently on contract work for various agencies and organizations. Recently, Rayburn landed a new contract with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, a result of their relationship cultivated over the past 30 years. “I used …


Frankie Ironside Creates Her Own Path To Success

With a unique combination of skills and experience including communication, visual arts, and technology, Frankie Ironside (B.A. ‘15) perfectly prepared herself for her dream job: working for a small business that designs and manufactures interactive dark rides and animatronics. Sally Corporation has possessed the rights to major brands such as DC Comics and LEGO, installing …


Doctoral Candidate Dawn Betts-Green Named 2016 Point Scholar

The Point Foundation is the nation’s largest scholarship-granting organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) students. This year, one of the new Point Scholars is iSchool doctoral candidate, Dawn Betts-Green. The award provides funding, as well as a mentor. Each year, scholars are required to do a service based project that benefits the LGBTQ …


Alumnus Corey Saban Founds Newstation.com and TheLaw.tv

When Corey Saban (B.A. ’93) graduated from FSU, it didn’t take him long to begin his 20-year-long career in sports and news casting. He then transitioned into media coaching, and now he works as co-founder of two mass media communication companies, newstation.com and thelaw.tv. Though he has made in big in the world of mass …


Fulbright Opportunities in Communications + Journalism

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers nearly 500 teaching, research or combination teaching and research awards in over 125 countries for the 2017-2018 academic year. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. This year, the Fulbright Scholar Program …


Find the iSchool at ALA 2016

Join FSU iSchool faculty, students, staff and alumni at the American Library Association Conference in Orlando, Florida!  Here’s where you can find us at ALA: Friday June 24, 2016 Friday 24 June – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Marcia Mardis, Associate Professor, will be at the CLASS II Research Project Meeting, OCCC – S330H Friday …