How to Mitigate Zoom Fatigue

This article was written by Mackenzie Greene, a graduate student studying integrated marketing communication and School of Communication Director’s Ambassador. 

Tired of Zoom? You’re not Alone 

Since the start of the pandemic, Nielsen estimates we have increased our screen time by 60%. E-mails, social media, and of course the inevitable Zoom. Particularly for students, faculty and staff. 

Zoom has become such an intricate part of our lives that some people have already gone as far as discussing Zoom Fatigue, its symptoms, origins, impact, and solutions. 

Early findings indicate first and foremost that Zoom Fatigue is now a common occurrence. We feel unmotivated, stressed and distracted. 

So how we do overcome it? 

As Florida State University shifts exclusively to online learning following Thanksgiving until the end of the semester to ensure the safety of faculty, staff and students, what are some steps that we can take to mitigate Zoom fatigue?

Focus On One Thing at a Time:

While you may be able to be on a Zoom call and also text your mom, do homework and online shop simultaneously, this may not be the best option. According to the Journal of Experimental Psychology, multitasking at such an extreme can hinder comprehension and “may cost you 40 percent of your productive time.” For the hour Zoom call you have, do your best to put your phone away and stay away from anything else that might distract you, it’ll help you in the long-run.  

Change of Scenery:

If you’re tired of staring at the same four walls while on a video call, move to a different place! The great thing about being mostly virtual is you aren’t tied down to a location. Simple changes such as going to a local coffee shop or park can motivate you to focus on your online tasks. As long as WiFi, headphones, a mask, and social distancing precautions are involved, the possibilities are endless!

Take a Break: 

Growing up in the age of new technology, it is not uncommon to find yourself switching from one screen to the next. When you get home from school or get off work, what is the first thing you reach for? If you said your phone or other electronic device, you’re not alone. But looking at a phone in hopes of unwinding may well be the wrong route. According to a study done by MCHC Health Matters, excessive screen time can be linked to anxiety, depression and sleep issues. While you may not be able to avoid classes and meetings through a screen, when the meetings are done try your best to limit excessive screen time and make it a priority to go outdoors.

The most important thing to remember when dealing with Zoom Fatigue, is that you are not alone in your struggles. A pandemic is not a normal occurrence, so our days should not be treated as such. Refer to this list to get out of your screen time rut and combat Zoom fatigue.

If your symptoms of Zoom fatigue are reflecting a more serious problem such as depression and anxiety, please contact a mental health professional.