Before moving to Winchester, Virginia, Trish Ridgeway was a reference librarian and bibliographic instruction specialist in academic libraries. Upon moving to Winchester, Trish was named the Director of the Handley Library where she worked tirelessly until her retirement in 2013. Some of her accomplishments include tripling the library’s endowment, building two new branches, and updating …
CONTINUE READINGCategory: iSchool Research News
Research news from the CCI School of Information
iSchool Alumna Discovering Civil War History in Virginia
iSchool Professor Receives NSF Grant
Dr. Yolanda A. Rankin, an Assistant Professor in the School of Information, has been awarded a $342,566 Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund her research which examines the lived intersectional experiences of Black women in computing. Her project, titled “Building a Sisterhood in Computing (BASiC),” aims to develop a deeper understanding of the …
CONTINUE READINGFSU iSchool Receives Continued ALA Accreditation
The School of Information is pleased to announce that ALA has granted the MSI and MAI programs Accreditation for the next seven years.
CONTINUE READINGProfessor Shares Cyberbullying Research Across Europe
Written by Dr. Shuyuan Ho. Associate Professor Shuyuan Mary Ho of FSU School of Information presented her research, “Charged language on Twitter: A predictive model of cyberbullying to prevent victimization,” in Munich, Germany, in December 2019. Dr. Ho gave a presentation at the Workshop on Information Security and Privacy as part of the International Conference …
CONTINUE READINGMaster’s Student Assists with School of Dance Archive Project
When thinking of physical archives, one may often imagine a cramped and stuffy room tucked into the back corner of a dark basement hiding shelves overflowing with old books and fragile documents. That may not be far off considering many libraries have spent the past decade digitizing their archives, rendering physical copies unnecessary. The age …
CONTINUE READINGFulbright Regional Travel Program Takes Everhart to Vietnam
Dr. Nancy Everhart, FSU School of Information (iSchool) Professor, is a visiting Fulbright lecturer at Beijing Normal University’s Department of Library Science. Recently she traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, as a guest of Vietnam National University (VNU). Over the course of her two-day visit there, she delivered lectures related to research, practice, and …
CONTINUE READINGCCI Attends Colloquium about Mental Health on College Campuses
Dr. Jessica Wendorf Muhamad, Tracy A. Ippolito, Angela Donahue, and Laura-Kate Huse from FSU School of Communication and Juan S. Muhamad from FSU School of Information had work accepted to a colloquium at Florida International University (FIU) that took place October 22 and 23, 2019. Hosted by FIU, University Toulouse 1 Capitole -UT1C- (France), and …