SCSD Researchers Share Their Work at 9th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language

Several SCSD researchers, students, and faculty members recently had the opportunity to showcase their work at the 9th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language (NSSHL). The symposium was hosted by Florida State, and featured many important contributions from the School of Communication Science and Disorders (SCSD). SCSD hosted a full panel at the …


CCI Visiting Faculty Member Maurice Johnson to Present at 2022 AERA Conference

CCI visiting faculty member Maurice Johnson will be presenting his research at the upcoming American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, which will be held April 21-26 in San Diego, California. Johnson will be joined by Dr. Vanessa Ochoa, Ph.D (East Los Angeles College) and Dr. Asif Wilson, Ph.D. (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). The title …


Forming Connections: CCI Hosts Dr. Rovshan Abbsasov of Azerbaijan

CCI was honored to recently host Dr. Rovshan Abbasov on our Tallahassee campus. Dr. Abbasov traveled to FSU through the University Administration Support Program (UASP).  The UASP program offers fellowships to University professionals looking to expand their knowledge and experience in other countries. Selected participants will attend a two-week training period in Washington, DC, before traveling to …


CCI Graduate Student Abigail Sage Recognized with 2022 Graduate Student Excellence in Visual Arts Award

CCI graduate student Abigail Sage was recently recognized for her creative ability with the 2022 Graduate Student Excellence in Visual Arts Award.  The award is given to applicants who show great proficiency and artistic ability in visual arts. Additionally, applicants are judged on the message that their artwork conveys. Recipients of the award will be …


FSU STARS Celebrates Fifteen-Year Partnership with Florida TSA

Recently, students from the CCI STARS Alliance volunteered at the Technology Student Association (TSA) annual state conference. This trip marks the 15th year that FSU students have been traveling to Florida TSA events and mentoring future STEM leaders.   “These kids are quite brilliant and did excellent work. It was inspiring to hear the number of …


DMP Students Gain Hands-On Experience Through “Three Torches”

Introducing Three Torches, a news show made for FSU students, by FSU students.  Students in the Advanced Feature and Reporting class worked to create this monthly feature intended to highlight our exceptional university community. While instructors provide support and guidance, the program is primarily student-produced.  “The opportunity to host the first edition of Three Torches …